
So Beautiful that I will post it in Spanish as well ♥

If there is a cold heavy stone-like weight in your heart
Then break your mind upon that stone
Destroy all ideas of right and wrong upon that rock
Smash all expectations and judgments
Use that weight to crush all fears and doubts
Let the heaviness reduce all your illusions to dust
May all your wounds be soothed by its coolness

Then finally realize that this stone is a diamond
This diamond is you

Si hay algo tan frío y pesado como una piedra en tu corazón
Entonces sobrepasa con tu mente esa piedra
Destruye todas las ideas de bueno y malo sobre esa roca
Haz pedazos todas las expectativas y juicios
Usa ese peso para machacar todos los miedos y la
s dudas
Deja que la pesadez deduzca a polvo todas las ilusiones 
Que todas las heridas sean suavizadas por su frío

Entonces finalmente te darás cuenta de que esta piedra es un diamante
Este diamante eres tú

- Shiv Charan Singh


White Tantric Yoga

Our minds release 1000 thoughts per wink of an eye. Some of these thoughts get lost in the unconscious, and some get stuck in the subconscious and affect the conscious mind. These thoughts become feelings, emotions, desires, multi-realities or fantasies. Instead of mastering our mind, often our mind and thoughts direct us, which can cause impulsive decisions, poor communication and self-imposed stress.

This weekend I attended my very first, but definitely not my last White Tantric Workshop. I did not know exactly what to expect, more than that it was going to be a challenge - and a challenge it was.
White Tantric Yoga is done in pairs as a group meditation and will help you break through your subconscious blocks.
They say it is common to experience a lot of changes within the following 40 days - changes to the better that I am looking forward to :)

To read more, klick here 


A tribute to Yogi Bhajan (this one is for you Matthew :))

Yogi Bhajan is the man who brought us Kundalini Yoga to the west in 1969.
Yogi Bhajan  was a Sikh and a Master of Kundalini Yoga, but above all; a noble and great man with a big heart who shared his wise and inspiring words and behaviour with the rest of the world 


True, true...

"If we are open to feelings then we are also open to being hurt. But in truth it is only attachment to our own way of thinking and our self-image that causes the pain."

Shiv Charan Singh, Karam Kriya Teachings


Thank You Karen Kingston...

..for sharing Space Clearing with the World!
Thanks to you I am feeling extraordinarily good today 

Want to learn more? Klick here