
Welcome August.. ♥

"One moment alone in the garden,
Under the August skies;
The moon had gone but the stars shone on - Shone like your beautiful eyes.
Away from the glitter and gaslight,
Alone in the garden there,
While the mirth of the throng, in laugh and song,
Floated out on the air" ♥♥
- Welcome beautiful beautiful Month of August..


Enjoy Life..

Hooray I think we will have rain today!! :)
I've never been so happy to wake up to a cloudy sky but still 27 degrees warm.. ♡♡
So Enjoy your day & do something different by checking your phone less than normal today - or if you dare you can even turn it off for a couple of hours ;)
- And remember late night class in Park Ciutadella on Wednesday at 8.30 pm..
Over and Out & Love and Light :)


Back home in Barcelona for 2 weeks..

My dear yogis & yoginis in Barcelona...I'm here until the 2nd of August (then off to work in Ibiza until the 25th)
- Fancy some yoga with me? I have scheduled in a class on Monday morning in Park Guinardo..but it will probably feel more like bikram then kundalini.. :)
Other days I am open for suggestions regarding day & time..♥♥


Welcome June ♥

"It's a Smile, it's a Kiss, it's a sip of Wine … it's Summertime" :)
Welcome Beautiful Beautiful Month of June ♥♥


In Love..

Omg..I have died & gone to Gazpacho Heaven..I'm in love.. :) ♡♡


May is Here!

"A little Madness in the Spring
Is wholesome even for the King."
-  Emily Dickinson

Be Welcomed Beautiful Month of May.. ♥♥

A Feast..

A Feast for the Eye..A Feast for the Organs..A Feast for the Soul.. :)♥


Happy Easter :)

.. & to Celebrate I am giving a special Easter yoga class tomorrow where you pay by donation - in other words, you pay as little or as much as you
can/want :)



You don't have to tell Facebook..but do tell me if you are planning to join this week :)
Tomorrow Tuesday at 7.15 pm
& Saturday morning at 10.30 am
Love & Light


Yoga ♥

Just a reminder:
No class tomorrow as I will be attending "white tantric yoga".. :)
Hope to see you on Tuesday at 7.15 pm


Welcome month of March ♥

"Winds of March, we welcome you,
There is work for you to do.
Work and play and blow all day,
Blow the Winter wind away."


Love ♥

I believe that everyday should be a celebration of LOVE - But let today remind us of taking better care of ourselves, others and this planet called mother earth..just fall in love with it all.:) ♥♥


Oh Happy Day....

..tomorrow when Mercury goes direct again! The end of miscommunication I hope...at least until next retrograde


Welcome February..

"Why, what's the matter,
That you have such a February face,
So full of frost, of storm and cloudiness?"
- William Shakespeare

Welcome Beautiful month of February ♥♥


Time for a Detox..

Now is a great time for a proper detox & cleanse of your body - & that is also the theme in my yogaclasses at the moment :)
So drop me a line if you fancy joining me tomorrow at 10.30 am and/or Tuesday at 7.15 pm ♥
Sat Nam
Love & Light



SuperMoon in the Air...

Tomorrow we are being blessed with a New Moon in Aquarias - & it's a SuperMoon my friends!!
This makes it a perfect day to make a wish AND begin with a new healthy habit :)
As always, give me a shout if you are planning to join my class tomorrow night at 7.15 pm - as I need a minimum of 3 & if we are more than 8 I will need to rent the "Sala Grande"
Love & Light


Relationships can be tricky..

“It can actually be easier to be in a relationship with someone controlling, for example, because they don’t really see 'you'. So while it may be unsatisfactory, it’s safe because you’re not fully there, you’re less exposed. But when you’re with someone who is actually letting you be you, not playing games, it’s more confronting—the fear is that you have to be seen."
